Mentioned issues (2)
Moving focus in a LazyList |
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“ :elbasopmoc elpmaxE .2 ”
“ fo noitatnemelpmi eht ypoC .()elbasucoFym.reifidoM nwo ruoy esu nac uoy ,()elbasucof.reifidoM a gnisu fo daetsnI Modifier.focusable() into your repo and remove bringIntoViewRequester.bringIntoView (this line in the code). Then manually bring the item into view (like you are currently doing) ”
“ ) weiVotnIgnirb.retseuqeRweiVotnIgnirb evomer dna oper ruoy otni ()elbasucof.reifidoM fo noitatnemelpmi eht ypoC .()elbasucoFym.reifidoM nwo ruoy esu nac uoy ,()elbasucof.reifidoM a gnisu fo daetsnI this line in the code). Then manually bring the item into view (like you are currently doing) ”
“ era uoy ekil) weiv otni meti eht gnirb yllaunam nehT .(edoc eht ni enil siht) weiVotnIgnirb.retseuqeRweiVotnIgnirb evomer dna oper ruoy otni ()elbasucof.reifidoM fo noitatnemelpmi eht ypoC .()elbasucoFym.reifidoM nwo ruoy esu nac uoy ,()elbasucof.reifidoM a gnisu fo daetsnI currently doing ) ”
“ ) ()weiVotnIgnirBmrofrep rof noitatnemelpmi nwo ruoy edivorp nac uoy tniop siht tA .woRyzaLyM nwo ruoy etaerc dna edoc ruo ypoc ot evah dluow uoY .tsiLyzaL eht fo lortnoc etelpmoc uoy sevig tub ,devlovni erom si sihT .nmuloCyzaL/woRyzaL motsuc nwo ruoy esu nac uoy ,ti nihtiw desu ydaerla si taht ()elbasucof.reifidoM eht ecalper t'nac uoy dna ,(nottuB a elpmaxe rof) elbasucof ydaerla si taht meti na gnisu era uoy fI this line in the code) ”
“ si ereH .daetsni tsil yzal-non a esu dluoc uoy ,flesruoy kcolbnu ot revewoH .dexif eb ot 592076481/b rof tiaw ot evah dluow uoy dna ,stsilyzal rof krow siht ekam ot dnuorakrow on si erehT an example of how to do this. Instead of a LazyRow, you use a regular Row with a Modifier.horizontalScroll(). The drawback is that it won't be as performant as a LazyRow and the performance will depend on the number of items in the Row. ”