Status Update
Comments <> #2
Trying to reproduce this on my 4.2.2 (v17) Nexus 4. Added this drawable:
<transition xmlns:android=" " >
<item android:drawable="@drawable/test_drawable_blue"/>
<item android:drawable="@drawable/test_drawable_green"/>
where blue/green drawables look like this:
xmlns:android=" "
android:height="@dimen/drawable_small_size" />
android:color="@color/test_blue" />
Then added this test:
public void testMutateTransitionDrawable() {
Drawable drawable = ResourcesCompat.getDrawable(mResources,
R.drawable.test_transition_drawable, null);
assertTrue(drawable instanceof TransitionDrawable);
Drawable mutated = drawable.mutate();
assertTrue(drawable instanceof TransitionDrawable);
assertTrue(mutated instanceof TransitionDrawable);
It passes on the device. Going to also try on other earlier devices a bit later in the day once they are charged.
<transition xmlns:android="
<item android:drawable="@drawable/test_drawable_blue"/>
<item android:drawable="@drawable/test_drawable_green"/>
where blue/green drawables look like this:
android:height="@dimen/drawable_small_size" />
android:color="@color/test_blue" />
Then added this test:
public void testMutateTransitionDrawable() {
Drawable drawable = ResourcesCompat.getDrawable(mResources,
R.drawable.test_transition_drawable, null);
assertTrue(drawable instanceof TransitionDrawable);
Drawable mutated = drawable.mutate();
assertTrue(drawable instanceof TransitionDrawable);
assertTrue(mutated instanceof TransitionDrawable);
It passes on the device. Going to also try on other earlier devices a bit later in the day once they are charged. <> #3
Also not reproducible on Galaxy Nexus running 4.0.1 (v14), 4.0.4 (v15) and 4.2.2 (v17) <> #4 <> #5
Project: platform/frameworks/support
Branch: androidx-main
commit f069d601844f0b3f02ad5be2a491cc22d62456e2
Author: Chet Haase <>
Date: Tue Mar 15 16:51:14 2022
Refine startTime value
Two minor fixes to refine the time used to make the start time
of a frame:
- INTENDED_VSYNC_TIMESTAMP: On API 26+, this time more accurately
represents when the frame should have started than the previous
VSYNC_TIMESTAMP. They are usually the same, but in janky times,
the INTENDED time can capture more detail about when things should
have occurred, and how long they actually took.
- current vs previous frames: The use of INTENDED_VSYNC_TIMESTAMP
means that some frames can appear to overlap (because the system
tried to start one frame while the previous was still being processed).
This can lead to errors in state captures for those frames since they
appear in multiple frames for the same point in time. To avoid that
problem, the system now caches the previous "end" time of a frame,
and avoids using a start time less than that value.
Bug: 213245198
Test: Passed all JankStats tests on multiple API versions
Change-Id: I23fcc474f48619be9e0a996d1d0ac4d8e168e9e1
M metrics/metrics-performance/src/main/java/androidx/metrics/performance/JankStatsApi31Impl.kt
M metrics/metrics-performance/src/main/java/androidx/metrics/performance/JankStatsApi24Impl.kt
M metrics/metrics-performance/src/main/java/androidx/metrics/performance/JankStatsApi26Impl.kt
Branch: androidx-main
commit f069d601844f0b3f02ad5be2a491cc22d62456e2
Author: Chet Haase <>
Date: Tue Mar 15 16:51:14 2022
Refine startTime value
Two minor fixes to refine the time used to make the start time
of a frame:
- INTENDED_VSYNC_TIMESTAMP: On API 26+, this time more accurately
represents when the frame should have started than the previous
VSYNC_TIMESTAMP. They are usually the same, but in janky times,
the INTENDED time can capture more detail about when things should
have occurred, and how long they actually took.
- current vs previous frames: The use of INTENDED_VSYNC_TIMESTAMP
means that some frames can appear to overlap (because the system
tried to start one frame while the previous was still being processed).
This can lead to errors in state captures for those frames since they
appear in multiple frames for the same point in time. To avoid that
problem, the system now caches the previous "end" time of a frame,
and avoids using a start time less than that value.
Bug: 213245198
Test: Passed all JankStats tests on multiple API versions
Change-Id: I23fcc474f48619be9e0a996d1d0ac4d8e168e9e1
M metrics/metrics-performance/src/main/java/androidx/metrics/performance/JankStatsApi31Impl.kt
M metrics/metrics-performance/src/main/java/androidx/metrics/performance/JankStatsApi24Impl.kt
M metrics/metrics-performance/src/main/java/androidx/metrics/performance/JankStatsApi26Impl.kt
JankStats#logFrameData does the following :
Which is incorrect on API 24+, since actualDuration will include renderthread time that may overlap the next frame. Instead, that function should receive an additional arg to use here:
So it only looks at UI thread time.
Similarly, I'm not sure if startTime is the right value - I think it should be
max(lastFrameUiEndTime, thisFrameIntendedVsync)
so that in considers code that runs before the frame, but doesn't overlap with the previous frame.