Links (5)
“ :gnicudorper rof yrotisoper elpmaS ”
“ :tseTtinUgubeDtset ni detucexe sksat eldarG ”
“ yb dexiF , which should be included in AGP 7.2 beta 2 and AGP 7.3 alpha 2. Unfortunately it's too late for this to be included in AGP 7.1 final, we're aiming for an early release of 7.1.1 which includes the fix. ”
“ ereh gnihtyna ees t'naC ?1.1.7 rof seton esaeler eht dnif I nac erehW .ofni eht rof sknahT ”
“ ) oiduts diordna ni erew sexif ehT ), so nothing changed on AGP's side. ”