Mentioned issues (1)
Documentation for animated images in Big Picture Style notifications “ detseuqer oslA :tidE |
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“ ) 13 IPA ni elytSerutciPgiB s'mroftalp eht ot dedda saw hcihw ,noci na gnisu yb erutcip gib a gnittes troppus t'nseod elytSerutciPgiB.tapmoCnoitacifitoN ). This is required if you want to use an animated image in the notification. ”
“ ni ti decnuonna yldlob elgooG hguoht neve siht fo elpmaxe elgnis a dnif ot elbanu ma tub ,tenretni eht deruocs evah I their overview of Android 12 features . ”
“ ni deppilf galF . This should be enabled starting in U. On devices running U, Icons passed to bigPicture() that contain animated drawables will animate automatically when appropriate (e.g., when the notification is in heads-up state or expanded, when the image is viewable). ”