I was looking at API 23 failures in benchmark (b/173743418), and fixed an issue where one failed test brought down the entire suite. In so doing, I noticed a similar pattern in compose tests. Roughly 58 tests out of the 186 in compose.ui aren't actually running, they're just bypassed.
Example failure - Instrumentation run failed due to 'java.lang.NoSuchMethodError'
Translation - process crash skipped a lot of tests.
Sample failure log snippet:
07-29 01:28:59.587 29748 29748 D MonitoringInstr: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No virtual method discardDisplayList()V in class Landroid/view/RenderNode; or its super classes (declaration of 'android.view.RenderNode' appears in /system/framework/framework.jar)
07-29 01:28:59.587 29748 29748 D MonitoringInstr: at androidx.compose.ui.platform.RenderNodeApi23.<init>(RenderNodeApi23.android.kt:68)
07-29 01:28:59.587 29748 29748 D MonitoringInstr: at androidx.compose.ui.AndroidLayoutDrawTest.verifyRenderNode23CameraDistance(AndroidLayoutDrawTest.kt:233)
07-29 01:28:59.587 29748 29748 D MonitoringInstr: at androidx.compose.ui.AndroidLayoutDrawTest.testLayerCameraDistance$lambda-0(AndroidLayoutDrawTest.kt:210)
07-29 01:28:59.587 29748 29748 D MonitoringInstr: at androidx.compose.ui.AndroidLayoutDrawTest.$r8$lambda$KWT53q-UCvVQPgaJ_g_F61u95jM(AndroidLayoutDrawTest.kt)
07-29 01:28:59.587 29748 29748 D MonitoringInstr: at androidx.compose.ui.AndroidLayoutDrawTest$$ExternalSyntheticLambda29.run(D8$$SyntheticClass)
I was looking at API 23 failures in benchmark ( b/173743418 ), and fixed an issue where one failed test brought down the entire suite. In so doing, I noticed a similar pattern in compose tests . Roughly 58 tests out of the 186 in compose.ui aren't actually running, they're just bypassed.
Translation - process crash skipped a lot of tests.
Sample failure log snippet:
Looking at compose code, RenderNodeApi23 calls RenderNode.discardDisplayList()
But in API 23 that method was called RenderNode.destroyDisplayListData() . It was only changed to discardDisplayList in API 24 .