Status Update
Comments <> <> <> #2
More suggestions:
Allow to override containerElevation for RichTooltipBox - RichTooltipColors has container param, but doesn't allow overriding containerElevation (which mixes color with theme primary color, resulting in undesired color)
Allow to set or suggest the position of shown tooltip.
When isPersistent=true, allow dismissing by clicking outside and still passing through the click event
For example, when some persistent tooltip is shown for a button in screen's top area, user should be able to click something else in screen without having to click twice (once to dismiss the tooltip, second time to actually dismiss the tooltip)
Allow to customize PlainTooltipMaxWidth/RichTooltipMaxWidth
Accessibility - Hard to close isPersistent=true tooltip in TalkBack mode by clicking outside (this is probably an issue with PopupWindow itself)
Accessibility - TalkBack says "Popup window" when tooltip is shown (might be expected)
M3 spec doesn't seem to allow it, but tooltip arrows would be also useful. If not added to spec, maybe expose some currently internal stuff in M4 Tooltip implementation that will allow developers to implement arrows without having to rewrite it all?
When using a large LazyColumn as content in a material3 AlertDialog the buttons are not visible.
They are visible on material version of AlertDialog. See attachements.
As a side note Material3 version properly handle scrolling unlike material version see that will probably open an issue so I don't to avoid duplicates.