Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
Comment has been deleted. <> #3
We are launching this on iOS and Android. iOS works nicely but Android users cannot get real-time location due to this issue and we'd love to give them a better experience with this fix.
We are launching this on iOS and Android. iOS works nicely but Android users cannot get real-time location due to this issue and we'd love to give them a better experience with this fix. <> #4 Restricted
Restricted <> #5
Any update on this issue? Is there a possibility BLE usage will be available on instant apps in the future? <> #6 Restricted
Restricted <> #7
Hi - is there any update on this issue? We are unable to launch our instant experience on Android due to this limitation. Any progress is much appreciated. <> #8
Hi is there any update on this issue ? We are providing indoor navigation visually impaired and blind, and this is very important for them to use the solution without downloading the app. It will enhance the experience. Thanks. <> #9
Here another vote for this feature. We're developing access solutions using BLE locks. We can only give the desired experience to iPhone users (through app clips). We are blocked by this Android limitation. <> #10
+1 <> #11
Hello! Thanks for getting back to me. Unfortunately I had left for the weekend and only just saw your message this morning. I will read your message in detail later and ping you at your gmail account to discuss further - in the interim, have you attempted to spin up a instance of a emulator running Android 11, 10 etc and send your intent over ADB to see if this operates any differently to Android 12? <> #12
I have sent you an email just now - just it case it gets filtered out with spam, its subject is 'NFC instant app / deep link bug on Android 12' ' <> #14 <> #16
. <> #17
Please fix
I have an app published that has an installed and instant version. (
I believe it is set up correctly with a deeplink verified by
If I launch the app from a link (
If it is not installed, this will automatically install the instant app and launch. If it is installed, it launches the installed version. This is what I would expect.
However, if I try to place the same link on an NFC tag (as a type U url), it seems to handle intent differently:
If app is not installed or instant app is installed, it resolves to website address in chrome.
If app is installed, it launches app correctly
If I try to induce these intents through ADB for debugging purposes I get this output:
launching regular VIEW intent with nothing installed:
C:\AndroidSamples\app-bundle-samples-main\app-bundle-samples-main\InstantApps\aab-simple\app\release>adb shell am start -W -D -a
ent.action.VIEW -d "
Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=
Status: ok
LaunchState: WARM
TotalTime: 80
WaitTime: 83
So this works as expected. It was resolved by the instantapps installerActivity and ends up installing and launching instant app as expected.
However, If I replace VIEW intent with NDEF_DISOCVERED, I get the following output:
C:\AndroidSamples\app-bundle-samples-main\app-bundle-samples-main\InstantApps\aab-simple\app\release>adb shell am start -W -D -a android.nfc
.action.NDEF_DISCOVERED -d "
Starting: Intent { act=android.nfc.action.NDEF_DISCOVERED dat=
Status: ok
LaunchState: UNKNOWN (0)
WaitTime: 112
This time it uses Chrome to resolve, and therefore just takes me to website and never installs instant app.
I believe my androidmanifest is correctly handling the NDEF_DISCOVERED intent, so I'm not sure why it never gets handled by my intent-filter.
misc information:
*Google Play services version: 21.48.15
*SDK version: targetSDKversion 31, minSDKversion 28
*Android OS leve: 12
* Device/emulator(Android level) using device os level 12
* What device are you using? (for example, Pixel 5) pixel 3 and pixel 4
* App Package Name: com.hymnofnight.collectionviewer
* Relevant logcat output: see attached. This logcat is after triggering an NDEF_DISCOVERED intent with no version of app installed
* I have also attached my android manifest