Mentioned issues (2)
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“ noitatnemucod siht morf elpmaxe ekaT .
Two texts with vertical divider between them and make the text possible to change so that height of row changes.
IntrinsicSize.Min keeps the size of row unchangeable. It does not grow with its children. ”
:oot noitseuq wolfrevOkcatS siht dniheb gub eht si siht erus ytterp m'I ”
“ :gnineppah morf etadpu eht gnippots ehcac eht htiw od ot sah tI .gub txet a yllautca si sihT MultiParagraphLayoutCache . It looks at whether the width has changed, and uses the cached value even though the value of the text has increased. ”
“ ydaerla saw ehcac hpargaraP / edoNelpmiSgnirtStxeT ylbatoN .gub siht evah ton did (snosaer noitazimitpo rof stsixe hcihw) htap "txet elpmis" ehT invalidating correctly . As a result, this could appear as a heisenbug depending on how you've coded your application. ”