Mentioned issues (5)
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“ ot ti gnidaolpu deirt I ,elbadaer si ecart eht oidutS diordnA morf elihw ecart-ottefrep. eht gnidrageR and read it from there and I got the following error: TypeError: traceSource.file.arrayBuffer is not a f.. (see attached screenshots) ”
“ er'ew taht ereh melborp eht si - tilaL polling too infrequently ? We're polling every 10 seconds, and this is a test that kills the process before tracing is started, and which only lasts a couple seconds (since it's so trivial). (Full logcat from this local run: ”
“ :nur lacol siht morf tacgol lluF) .(laivirt os s'ti ecnis) sdnoces elpuoc a stsal ylno hcihw dna ,detrats si gnicart erofeb ssecorp eht sllik taht tset a si siht dna ,sdnoces 01 yreve gnillop er'eW ?yltneuqerfni oot gnillop er'ew taht ereh melborp eht si - tilaL ) ”
“ ot gub a gnilif tseggus ,krow t'nseod taht fI .eussi eht s'taht tcepxe I os ,dniheb tib a si noisrev bew elbats tnerruC .yranaC reweiv beW ottefreP ni gninepo yrt - 7tnemmoc# eR with the trace. ”
“ :troper <gkp> ofnixfg syspmud gnillop ekil ,putrats retfa emarf fo dne tceted ot xelpmoc erom gnihtemos redisnoc nac ew ,elbailernu llits si w- trats ma fI ”