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“ :ydobyreve rof repaehc hcum serutangis deifilauq ekam dna gnirednual yenom thgif pleh ,retteb dlrow eht ekam nac CFN !siht od s'teL !srelgoog ,no emoC !
We use NFC Chip access to read out Chips on Identity documents (Passports). WebNFC is not an option due to low level access that's needed. The app is typically one time use. The app-clip solution on iOS works wonderfully with a great user Journey.
On android we work around the issue with deep linking so we don't lose the user during in the app store / they can follow a linear process. This works / drop out rates are OK but it is inferior to the almost transition-less app-clip solution. ”
“ :SOi no spilc ppa htiw od ew sa yaw emas eht ni ,CFN aiv sdrac DI dna stropssap daer ot siht ekil osla dluow eW .1+ ”