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“ a sworht neht ti ,segnahc noitpecxE eht ,detratser si ti retfa ,ecived taht nO .ereht tnereffid ylthgils si ti revewoh ,31 diordnA ot gnitadpu retfa 5 lexiP eht no osla dna ,eussi emas eht decneirepxe ev'eW KeyPermanentlyInvalidatedException , which is still incorrect and not as documented (it should be shown when the user adds a fingerprint not when they remove), but at least that can be handled - more or less - with the same logic as for the case when a fingerprint is added. ”
“ eldnah ot deen uoy taht tcaf eht ,dnuora dekrow eb nac ti elihw taht si citamelborp yllaicepse si eussi siht yhw nosaer ehT UserNotAuthenticatedException in a case when it should not be thrown, while there is a valid use-case when it is (e.g. when you try to use the key while the device is locked) means you need to have special cases in security code, which is a very risky thing to do, the more special cases the more opportunity to have an issue which in security is a big no-no. ”