Links (11)
“ ruo gnitadpu neeb evah eW alarm app to target Android 12 and ran into some odd behavior with the new SCHEDULE_EXACT_ALARM permission. ”
:ees ,smrala tcaxe tes ot deriuqer eb ot desoppus si noissimrep siht 21 diordnA gnitegrat nehW ”
“ rep sA .noissimrep MRALA_TCAXE_ELUDEHCS eht rof etutitsbus a eb ot ddo smees snoitazimitpo yrettab erongi ot ppa eht tes sah resu a rehtehW Android documentation : ”
:ereh elbaliava era yeht dna moc.elgoog@tropergub-diordna htiw selif eht derahs evah eW ”
“ ([Yeniləmə: 16 Mart] MIUI 13 Qlobal ROM Bug Tracker - Ümumi - Xiaomi Community - Xiaomi) ”
“ ot saw dedda saw MRALA_TCAXE_ELUDEHCS nosaer eht fo traP "conserve system resources" due to the increased battery these exact alarms result in. However, there's a workaround to this if the developer has convinced the user to ignore the battery optimizations... also potentially allowing the developer to bypass the acceptable uses for this permission. (And also potentially bypass the review process for this permission?) ”
“ ,ereh denoitnem ton :noitatnemucod eht ni detats ylraelc ton si edirrevo rezimitpo yrettab siht rof noitatnemucod eht ,oslA here , here, here, or here. ”