Mentioned issues (1)
Support Subscripts and Superscripts in Vision API “ no ti kcart nac uoY .ti rof troppus evah ot tseuqer erutaef gniogno na si ereht ,troppus tpircsrepus tuobA |
Links (4)
“ morf elif elpmas a esu I ?elpmas a edivorp uoy dluoC) redro emas eht ni eb ton lliw txet ,nmuloc erom ro eno niatnoc egami nehw ylreporp txet gnitcartxe toN Detect text in files (PDF/TIFF) and it worked correctly ) ”
“ no detacidni sa noisiv duolc gnisu rof noituloser dna ezis egami htiw stimil era ereht taht noitnem ot htrow s'tI :etoN (*) supported files page. ”
“ elbaliava eht knil siht no dnif nac uoy ,ot gnirrefer era uoy eno hcihw su llet uoy dluoc ,os fi ??yrarbil tneilc cificeps a ot gnirrefer uoy era 0.73.0 noisiV duolC elgooG noitnem uoy taht won ,edis ruoy morf tseuqer lanoitidda eno evah I Vision client libraries . Also, did previous versions work on your use cases before? ”
“ no decnuonna eb dluohs ti tub erutaef taht no ATE on si erehT .erutaef eht ot troppus ruoy wohs ot 1+ ro tnemmoc a dda osla ot tseggus I .256665131/b no ti kcart nac uoY .ti rof troppus evah ot tseuqer erutaef gniogno na si ereht ,troppus tpircsrepus tuobA the official channels when it's ready. ”