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“ esu ,od uoy fi ro ,won rof (eslaf)swodniWmetsySstiFroceDtes llac t'nod rehtie ,dnuorakrow a sA
.sgub rehto gnitaerc yllaitnetop dna tbed hcet eht gnisaercni ,kcah a htiw ti xif ot desoppo sa emit erom htiw ylreporp xif ot retteb saw ti dediced ew ,sweiV htiw sneppah tahw sehctam ruoivaheb siht gniredisnoc tub ,2.1 ni ti xif ot syaw ykcah erom erolpxe dluoc eW .nezorf ylevitceffe si IPA eht ,ateb ni ydaerla si 2.1 esopmoC ecnis yletanutrofnU
.sIPA weiVotnIgnirB dna rellortnoc draobyek esopmoC eht ot segnahc regral eriuqer hcihw ,ti gnixif ot sevitanretla deredisnoc dna gub siht ta kool resolc a gnikat neeb ev'eW ViewCompat.setWindowInsetsAnimationCallback to listen for when the keyboard stops animating and bring your text field into view using the BringIntoViewRequester API. ”
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