Status Update
Comments <> #2
Branch: androidx-master-dev
commit c60f33e229e31ab328ef6b59dab63b264954831c
Author: Alexandre Elias <>
Date: Fri Jul 10 16:23:09 2020
Semantics no-op cleanups
Partly in response to lmr's broad code review, I did a pass of
superficial API/implementation cleanup. The main changes are:
- I changed each Boolean SemanticsProperty where false is equivalent to
not being present to take "Unit" instead. This is conceptually
clearer: it avoids questions like "can I cancel out a semantics from a
merged child by setting it to false?" Because "property = Unit" looks
weird, I also changed the style of these to "property()".
- I moved the Semantics id generator closer to where it's used, in
SemanticsModifierCore. I made it internal and an AtomicInt.
(Note that integer ids are heavily used in the Android
AccessibilityNodeInfo APIs so I can't simply remove them entirely.)
- I deleted dead code. Some examples include SemanticsHintOverrides,
a public API not connected to anything, and SemanticsPropertyKey
merge() open method which is never called. (In both cases I have
a different plan in mind for accessibility.)
Fixes: 145951226
Fixes: 145955412
Test: existing tests
Relnote: "Single-value semantics properties now use a calling style.
For example, 'semantics { hidden = true }' is now written as:
'semantics { hidden() }'."
Change-Id: Ic1afd12ea22c926babc9662f1804d80b33aa0cfc
M ui/integration-tests/benchmark/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/benchmark/test/LayoutNodeModifierBenchmark.kt
M ui/ui-core/api/0.1.0-dev15.txt
M ui/ui-core/api/current.txt
M ui/ui-core/api/public_plus_experimental_0.1.0-dev15.txt
M ui/ui-core/api/public_plus_experimental_current.txt
M ui/ui-core/api/restricted_0.1.0-dev15.txt
M ui/ui-core/api/restricted_current.txt
M ui/ui-core/src/androidAndroidTest/kotlin/androidx/ui/graphics/vector/VectorTest.kt
M ui/ui-core/src/androidAndroidTest/kotlin/androidx/ui/semantics/SemanticsTests.kt
M ui/ui-core/src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/ui/core/AndroidActuals.kt
M ui/ui-core/src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/ui/core/AndroidComposeView.kt
M ui/ui-core/src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/ui/core/AndroidComposeViewAccessibilityDelegateCompat.kt
M ui/ui-core/src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/ui/core/AndroidPopup.kt
M ui/ui-core/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/ui/core/Expect.kt
M ui/ui-core/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/ui/core/semantics/SemanticsConfiguration.kt
D ui/ui-core/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/ui/core/semantics/SemanticsHintOverrides.kt
M ui/ui-core/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/ui/core/semantics/SemanticsModifier.kt
M ui/ui-core/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/ui/core/semantics/SemanticsNode.kt
M ui/ui-core/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/ui/core/semantics/SemanticsOwner.kt
M ui/ui-core/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/ui/core/semantics/SemanticsWrapper.kt
M ui/ui-core/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/ui/semantics/SemanticsProperties.kt
M ui/ui-foundation/api/0.1.0-dev15.txt
M ui/ui-foundation/api/current.txt
M ui/ui-foundation/api/public_plus_experimental_0.1.0-dev15.txt
M ui/ui-foundation/api/public_plus_experimental_current.txt
M ui/ui-foundation/api/restricted_0.1.0-dev15.txt
M ui/ui-foundation/api/restricted_current.txt
M ui/ui-foundation/src/main/java/androidx/ui/foundation/Clickable.kt
M ui/ui-foundation/src/main/java/androidx/ui/foundation/Dialog.kt
M ui/ui-foundation/src/main/java/androidx/ui/foundation/Scroller.kt
M ui/ui-foundation/src/main/java/androidx/ui/foundation/selection/Selectable.kt
M ui/ui-foundation/src/main/java/androidx/ui/foundation/selection/Toggleable.kt
M ui/ui-foundation/src/main/java/androidx/ui/foundation/semantics/FoundationSemanticsProperties.kt
M ui/ui-material/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/material/ButtonTest.kt
M ui/ui-material/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/material/CardTest.kt
M ui/ui-material/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/material/CheckboxScreenshotTest.kt
M ui/ui-material/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/material/RadioButtonScreenshotTest.kt
M ui/ui-material/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/material/ScaffoldTest.kt
M ui/ui-material/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/material/SnackbarTest.kt
M ui/ui-material/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/material/SurfaceTest.kt
M ui/ui-material/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/material/ripple/RippleIndicationTest.kt
M ui/ui-material/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/material/textfield/TextFieldScreenshotTest.kt
M ui/ui-material/src/main/java/androidx/ui/material/AppBar.kt
M ui/ui-material/src/main/java/androidx/ui/material/TextFieldImpl.kt
M ui/ui-test/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/test/AssertsTest.kt
M ui/ui-test/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/test/CallSemanticsActionTest.kt
M ui/ui-test/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/test/ErrorMessagesTest.kt
M ui/ui-test/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/test/FindersTest.kt
M ui/ui-test/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/test/PrintToStringTest.kt
M ui/ui-test/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/test/ScrollToTest.kt
M ui/ui-test/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/test/TextActionsTest.kt
M ui/ui-test/src/main/java/androidx/ui/test/Actions.kt
M ui/ui-test/src/main/java/androidx/ui/test/Filters.kt
M ui/ui-text/api/0.1.0-dev15.txt
M ui/ui-text/api/current.txt
M ui/ui-text/api/public_plus_experimental_0.1.0-dev15.txt
M ui/ui-text/api/public_plus_experimental_current.txt
M ui/ui-text/api/restricted_0.1.0-dev15.txt
M ui/ui-text/api/restricted_current.txt
M ui/ui-text/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/ui/text/CoreTextField.kt
M ui/ui-text/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/ui/text/TextSemanticsProperties.kt <> <> <> #5
The current dropShaderCache implementation doesn't work on root or user builds.
I added a trace section metric for cache_miss/cache_hit (traced by Skia for shader compilation), and see that on rooted devices, without uninstall/reinstall, the shader gets compiled and left in place:
## Compilation reset with pm compile --reset
cache_hitMs min 1.4, median 1.4, max 1.5
cache_missMs min 0.0, median 0.0, max 0.0
timeToInitialDisplayMs min 240.0, median 255.4, max 273.7
Traces: Iteration 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
cache_hitMs min 1.3, median 1.4, max 3.0
cache_missMs min 0.0, median 0.0, max 0.0
timeToInitialDisplayMs min 190.6, median 202.7, max 211.4
Traces: Iteration 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
cache_hitMs min 1.4, median 1.4, max 3.1
cache_missMs min 0.0, median 0.0, max 0.0
timeToInitialDisplayMs min 222.8, median 232.5, max 257.5
Traces: Iteration 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
While when the reinstall is used, we sometimes hit shader compilation (cache_miss), and sometimes don't, which is affected by how long the app stays alive.
## Compilation reset with uninstall + reinstall
cache_hitMs min 0.0, median 0.0, max 0.0
cache_missMs min 22.1, median 22.6, max 24.0
timeToInitialDisplayMs min 258.6, median 264.6, max 276.4
Traces: Iteration 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
cache_hitMs min 1.4, median 1.4, max 1.4
cache_missMs min 0.0, median 0.0, max 0.0
timeToInitialDisplayMs min 191.4, median 195.9, max 214.7
Traces: Iteration 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
cache_hitMs min 0.0, median 0.0, max 0.0
cache_missMs min 22.3, median 23.3, max 23.8
timeToInitialDisplayMs min 232.2, median 245.7, max 262.9
Traces: Iteration 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
In trivially quick cold startup tests, where the process is killed quickly, we see the shaders never get a chance to compile. With warmup profiles, where the app is alive for a while (and they have time to be written to disk) they do.
This currently makes warmup iterations look better than they should.
Only fix I have figured out on user builds is broadcasting to the app to delete shaders, since on user builds shell doesn't have access to the shader cache dir. <> #6
Branch: androidx-main
commit d5fb7b68ab904d904c21cbb8ce0bf497979ff6a1
Author: Chris Craik <>
Date: Tue Oct 18 14:16:36 2022
Add summing mode to TraceSectionMetric
Test: TraceSectionMetricTest
Relnote: """
Added TraceSectionMode("label", Mode.Sum), allowing measurement of
total time spent on multiple trace sections with the same label. For
instance, TraceSectionMetric("inflate", Mode.Sum) will report a metric
`inflateMs` for the total time in a trace spent on inflation.
Also removed API requirement, as TraceSectionMetric works together
with androidx.tracing.Trace back to lower API levels, with the use of
Additionally adds tracing of cache_miss and cache_hit for observing
cost of shader compilation for
Change-Id: Id7b68e23f5ded4d20ab21771dbf9eb96d9dcfdb7
M benchmark/benchmark-macro/api/public_plus_experimental_current.txt
M benchmark/benchmark-macro/src/androidTest/java/androidx/benchmark/macro/TraceSectionMetricTest.kt
M benchmark/benchmark-macro/src/main/java/androidx/benchmark/macro/Metric.kt
M compose/integration-tests/macrobenchmark/src/androidTest/java/androidx/compose/integration/macrobenchmark/SmallListStartupBenchmark.kt
M testutils/testutils-macrobenchmark/src/main/java/androidx/testutils/MacrobenchUtils.kt <> #7
Branch: androidx-main
commit 0ba5c3dad9652a85319894f9aa7ad52664be72d2
Author: Chris Craik <>
Date: Tue Oct 18 20:56:23 2022
Fix deleteShaderCache by using Profileinstaller or fallback correctly with root
Test: SmallListStartupBenchmark
Test: MacrobenchmarkScopeTest
Fixes: 231455742
Relnote: """
Fixed MacrobenchmarkScope.dropShaderCache(). This removes roughly 20ms
of noise from StartupMode.COLD benchmarks, as shaders are now
consistently cleared each iteration. Previously, `Partial` compilation
using warmup iterations would report incorrectly fast numbers, as
shader caching was more likely to happen during warmup. This fix
requires either a rooted device, or using
`profileinstaller:1.3.0-alpha02` in the target app.
Added a hook for benchmarks to drop the shader cache, to ensure
consistent performance for cold startups, especially when compiling
with profiles from warmup iterations. This update is required to
measure cold startups using `benchmark-macro-junit4:1.2.0-alpha05` or
Change-Id: Ia5171b0f40dd8ce6f64f5ccf0a33281a4d8b121e
M benchmark/benchmark-macro/src/androidTest/java/androidx/benchmark/macro/MacrobenchmarkScopeTest.kt
M benchmark/benchmark-macro/src/main/java/androidx/benchmark/macro/Macrobenchmark.kt
M benchmark/benchmark-macro/src/main/java/androidx/benchmark/macro/MacrobenchmarkScope.kt
M benchmark/benchmark-macro/src/main/java/androidx/benchmark/macro/ProfileInstallBroadcast.kt
M profileinstaller/profileinstaller/api/current.txt
M profileinstaller/profileinstaller/api/public_plus_experimental_current.txt
M profileinstaller/profileinstaller/api/restricted_current.txt
A profileinstaller/profileinstaller/src/main/java/androidx/profileinstaller/
M profileinstaller/profileinstaller/src/main/java/androidx/profileinstaller/
M profileinstaller/profileinstaller/src/main/java/androidx/profileinstaller/ <> #8
The following release(s) address this bug.It is possible this bug has only been partially addressed:
Alert on dashboard:
CLs in build:
Caused by - Improve macrobench iter speed by optimizing shell commands
Regression only affects baseline profile and full compilation variants of cold startup benchmarks.
Need to see if this makes the numbers more or less correct, and why. Triaging to 1.1 for this reason.