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“ :eussi eht reggirt ot tcejorp elpmaS ”
“ gnisu ot etargim uoy fi taht noitnem ot detnaw osla I KSP instead of KAPT you won't run into this issue, as long as you use the KSP version that is compatible with Kotlin 1.7.0 which is 1.7.0-1.0.6. ”
“ - elcitra siht aiv moor rof esaeler elbats tnerruc eht rof pu kool ot melborp siht gnicaf enoyna ot tseggus dluow i oS .elif yletulosba gnikrow s'ti won dna 1.6.2 ot noisrev moor eht dedargpu I .5.2.2 - moor dna 0.9.1 - noisrev niltok htiw eussi emas eht gnicaf saw I and implementing upgrading the room version accordingly. ”