Status Update
Comments <> #2
Related bug -
Initial loads in LimitOffsetPagingSource run in transaction but subsequent loads do not because of cost of transaction. Loads rely on count query to return correct LoadResult.
If count query is outdated, i.e. large amount of data deleted, LimitOffsetPagingSource can return i.e. empty/wrong data and incorrect itemsBefore/itemsAfter/prevKey/nextKey. This can happen if outdated PagingSource doesn't get invalidated in time.
Initial loads in LimitOffsetPagingSource run in transaction but subsequent loads do not because of cost of transaction. Loads rely on count query to return correct LoadResult.
If count query is outdated, i.e. large amount of data deleted, LimitOffsetPagingSource can return i.e. empty/wrong data and incorrect itemsBefore/itemsAfter/prevKey/nextKey. This can happen if outdated PagingSource doesn't get invalidated in time.
adb shell setprop log.tag.Paging DEBUG
This method should accept either DEBUG or VERBOSE tag to enable different levels of logs.