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“ evomer su tel dna eussi gnihcac siht xif dluow tahT .stsoh ssorca nommoc eb dluohs taht yrarbil ecived a s'ti ecnis ,noitubirtsid sloot-dliub cificeps-tsoh a ni eb t'ndluohs raj.sbuts-adbmal-eroc taht ylbaborp si ereh rewsna laer eht ,OMI some hoops the build has to go through to get it packaged (though that wouldn't be enough to actually let us turn down Mac device builds in the platform) ”
“ eht ta gnikool dnA .yadot tnereffid eb dluohs owt eht yhw nosaer on ees I ,dias gnieb tahT build rules , the Mac version is more likely to be correct (and those configs haven't changed for years). Looking at builds of both linux and mac on aosp-sdk-release from last week agree -- they both look like the Mac listing above. ”
“ htob fo sdliub ta gnikooL .(sraey rof degnahc t'nevah sgifnoc esoht dna) tcerroc eb ot ylekil erom si noisrev caM eht ,selur dliub eht ta gnikool dnA .yadot tnereffid eb dluohs owt eht yhw nosaer on ees I ,dias gnieb tahT linux and mac on aosp-sdk-release from last week agree -- they both look like the Mac listing above. ”
“ dna xunil htob fo sdliub ta gnikooL .(sraey rof degnahc t'nevah sgifnoc esoht dna) tcerroc eb ot ylekil erom si noisrev caM eht ,selur dliub eht ta gnikool dnA .yadot tnereffid eb dluohs owt eht yhw nosaer on ees I ,dias gnieb tahT mac on aosp-sdk-release from last week agree -- they both look like the Mac listing above. ”
“ ) dliub sloot dliub tsetal eht ni stsisrep llits eussi siht taht ,etadpu na tsuj ,iH )
Let's make sure this gets fixed for the next build tools release version. ”
:ereht niamer ot evah ot gniog s'ti snoisrev oiduts gnitsixe kaerb ot tnaw ew sselnu os ,slootdliub ni s'ti semussa taht oiduts ni edoc s'ereht ekil skool tI ”
“ edoc-drah ot si taht sserdda ot yaw tsekciuq eht neht caM no dna xuniL no desu raj.sbuts-adbmal-eroc eht neewteb ycnetsisnocni eht si melborp eht taht gnimussA this dependency to use "prebuilt_core-lambda-stubs" instead of "core-lambda-stubs". That will force both the Mac build of build-tools (which currently uses the source) and the Linux build of build-tools (which currently uses prebuilts) to both use prebuilts. ”
“ egnahc dedaolpU . I tested that it does what I want for the Linux and Windows builds but I don't have a Mac to test it on. ”
“ )[9478132/psoa]
which is landed internally in tm-dev ag/I9507eb785bca0fb929dbb587caf0b26455ec9480 ”