Status Update
Comments <> #2
Hi. Thanks for reporting this. Fixed in alpha-04 <> #3
Branch: androidx-main
commit e782987543a9f8ccd485e970ddc74564b24378db
Author: Vighnesh Raut <>
Date: Mon Jan 02 15:27:40 2023
fix: tab row crashes when only 1 tab is added
Test: Added unit test
Change-Id: I6381dbac304fc1d69d3708c6655f8b595668e93f
M tv/tv-material/src/androidTest/java/androidx/tv/material/TabRowTest.kt
M tv/tv-material/src/main/java/androidx/tv/material/TabRow.kt <> #4 <> #5
The following release(s) address this bug.It is possible this bug has only been partially addressed: <> #6
I would like to ask if this would be addressed in a future fix? I am planning to do a workaround that involves removing all nav args that use Serializable/Parcelable. It will be a big rework of our codebase, so I'd like to understand if there is any merit to this issue and if there is any appetite to fix this. I'd like to report the status of this issue to my higher-ups as soon as possible. Thanks <> #7
We'll be addressing this in a Navigation 2.5.1 bug fix release. <> #8
Thank you very much! <> #9 <> #11 <> #12
Branch: androidx-main
commit 0027220b3ef51bf9c69ac0287c3699e0b87f6422
Author: Jeremy Woods <>
Date: Fri Jul 15 14:38:08 2022
Add deprecation suppressions to generated fromBundle
The getParcelableArray() and get() functions on Bundle have been
deprecated in SDK 33. This causes warning in the generated Safe Args
classes that use the fromBundle function with custom types.
We need to continue to use the old functions since we need to support
older platform versions so we should suppress the warnings on these
RelNote: "Navigation Safe Args will no longer cause deprecation warnings
in generated classes when using custom types."
Test: ./gradlew :navigation:navigation-safe-args-generator:test
Bug: 237725966
Change-Id: Id86edf231b90176b5a0f03239bff628171a0284c
M navigation/navigation-safe-args-generator/src/test/test-data/expected/java_nav_writer_test/
M navigation/navigation-safe-args-generator/src/test/test-data/expected/kotlin_nav_writer_test/MainFragmentArgs.kt
M navigation/navigation-safe-args-generator/src/main/kotlin/androidx/navigation/safe/args/generator/java/JavaNavWriter.kt
M navigation/navigation-safe-args-generator/src/main/kotlin/androidx/navigation/safe/args/generator/kotlin/KotlinNavWriter.kt <> #13
This has been fixed internally and will be released in the Navigation 2.5.1
and 2.6.0-alpha01
versions. <> #14
This bug was linked in a change in the following release(s):
Component used: Navigation
Version used: 2.4.2
Target SDK and Compile SDK version: 33
I would like to report that when building our app that targets API 33, the generated code for destination arguments in Navigation graphs use deprecated usages of Bundle (ie.
Bundle.get(String key)
,Bundle.getParcelableArray(String key)
Here is an example of how the generated code looks like (I modified arg names):
and another: