Status Update
Comments <> #2
- Can you please confirm that the
you are using is from the Material 3 lib (not accidentally from M2). - Can you post a video for the second problem you've mentioned? That may help explaining the issue.
Thanks!! <> #3
- I use only Material 3 Components.
- I have attached two videos with both problems.
Thanks for the quick reply. <> #4
For #1 - Right now, the app bar snaps to expand only on a single case when a fling downwards ended with partially expanded app bar.
We will soon work on implementing a motion spec for all cases where an app bar stops mid way, so this kind of behavior will be eliminated (i.e. Medium
and Large
app bars will always snap to expand or collapse). I'll keep this bug open until this is implemented.
For #2 - I could not reproduce the issue both on an emulator and on a real device. Considering what I wrote on #1, there is a slight possibility that a small downward fling was detected and the app bar was attempting to snap to expand, but I didn't witness any of it.
Can you post your code, or something equivalent, for ScreenWithColumn()
? I assume it's something simple like what we have at <> #5
The code I used for the video is the following:
fun ScreenWithColumn() {
horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally
) {
items(50) {
Text(text = it.toString())
Again, only material 3 components.
The second problem can only be reproduced when scrolling quickly and when you then reach the exact moment that the title bar is extended by a few millimetres. Then it collaps again and pulls everything up with it. <> #6
I'm afraid this is still not reproducible (see video).
Since I'm running on the latest, there is a chance we had some foundational changes that fixed it, so please wait till the next release to see if this is still happening.
As mentioned above, I'll keep this issue open mainly for the motion issues you've noted above.
Thanks! <> #7
Regarding the second problem:
Thanks, I will wait for the next version. From your video, it also looks like something has already happened there, as the collapsing looks better (more "fluid"?) than it does for me at the moment. <> #8
Good day,
with the new alpha release (16) of Material 3 I can still reproduce the second problem. <> #9
Ah, that's unfortunate. I still can't reproduce this issue here.
Is your Gradle locked to an older Compose foundation version (i.e. not :compose:material3:material3
For #1: I just pushed <> #10
I have implemented androidx.compose.material3:material3:1.0.0-alpha16
which is currently the latest version. <> #11
Thanks. I was referring to the other dependencies on Compose. Specifically, make sure you are depending on 1.3.0-alpha02
or above. <> #12
Thank you, I had used version 1.2.1. Maybe it would be a good idea to write at Material3 that a newer version is also necessary for the other compose librarys. (
Now I can no longer reproduce the #2 issue. <> #13
A quick other question, as it was asked above whether I use the Text Composable from the Material or Material3 Library. Is it safe to use components from Material if they do not exist in Material3 (e.g. SwipeToDismiss) or is there a risk of problems? <> #14
Glad this worked out. We consider this as unsafe. Please don't mix M2 and M3, as they are quite different and you may end up with unexpected results. <> #15
Ok, thank you for all your work! I have opened a
In many cases, the bar can stop at the moment when it collapses. Then the title is shown twice and you have to swipe up or down again to get a proper AppBar again.
Another problem is that if you scroll up and the bar is about to expand, but you don't scroll far enough and it collapses again, you get kicked all the way down in the screen (no matter how long it is).
Jetpack Compose version: 1.2.0 (for m3: 1.0.0-alpha15) Jetpack Compose component used: M3 Scaffold with MediumTopAppBar Android Studio Build: Android Studio Electric Eel | 2022.1.1 Canary 8 Kotlin version: 1.7.0
Code Sample to Reproduce: