Mentioned issues (2)
Memory leak of compose activity which is dependent on fragment in another activity “ ot detaler eb dluoC |
Links (8)
“ - .ytivitcA elgnis a sesu hcihw ,noitagivaN esopmoC ot dehctiws ew ,dnuorakrow oT ”
“ renwOelcycefiLeerTweiV eht pu stes taht edoc detaler siht gnissim er'uoy kniht I;l=85?q=androidx.activity.compose.setContent ”
“ .32# fo noitcudorper laminim a edam I ”
“ .siht sserdda ot RP a edam I ”
“ si resopmoceR ni desu kcolCcinotonoM ,tluafed yB .noitisopmoc rof etats gnidnep emos gnidloh si resopmoceR elihw deppots si ytivitca eht nehw ,esac egde na yb desuac si kael yromem ehT paused on activity stop, causing it to suspend frame iteration. It works well in most cases, as state objects in other activities are not relevant for the composition in the stopped one. In this edge case, however, the same state is used in some activities or Recomposer has already queued an update before activity was stopped, and it continues to accumulate states from other activities until the first activity is restarted or destroyed. The issue is quite deeply rooted, as the fix is likely to change how compositions record states in background, so we are targeting next release for the fix. ”