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“ ) seton esaeler rotalumE eht ni "1M caM no DVA 33 IPA gnihcnual htiw rorrE [xiF guB]" ees ot deticxe saw I ) but alas, there is no change. Surfaceflinger still crashes repeatedly in the API 31 and API 33 images. ”
“ morf tnew dna gnilgoog erom emos did I to, which suggested changing the Emulator to use SwiftShader. ”
“ ot l-toob-ssedldne-gnihsarc-regnilfecafrus-reniatnoc-rekcod-edisni-rotalume-diordna/19844254/snoitseuq/moc.wolfrevokcats//:sptth morf tnew dna gnilgoog erom emos did I , which suggested changing the Emulator to use SwiftShader. ”