Links (7)
“ siht kcehc yam uoY ?rebmun_noisses dna di_noisses ot noitaler ni rof gnikool uoy era noitamrofni tahw etarobale rehtruf uoy naC section of our documentation which briefly discusses the session_id parameter. ”
“ eht wollof yam uoY .detroppus eb lliw ti nehw no enilemit a edivorp ot elbanu er'ew ,revewoh ,siht no tseuqer erutaef a desiar ydaerla ev'eW .sj.gatg dna sKDS eht sa hcus seirarbil rehto aiv detcelloc ydaerla stneve tnemelppus ot dednetni ylno si 4AG rof locotorP tnemerusaeM ehT .4AG rof locotorP tnemerusaeM ni detroppus tey ton si noitamrofni muidem / ecruos taht mrifnoc nac I Google Analytics API Notify group for future updates. ”
“ siht aiv yltcerid maet ruo ot tuo hcaer uoy tseggus I ,daerht siht ni eussi lanigiro eht htiw tnereffid tib a si nrecnoc ruoy ecniS - siol@ link and provide more details about your observations such as sample payload that you're sending to Google Analytics and some screenshots of an existing data with the same client_id or user_id for our reference. ”
“ eht kcehc ot eerf leeF .detadpu eb lliw noitatnemucod eht nehw no enilemit etinifed a edivorp ot elbanu er'ew taht eton esaelP .noitatnemucod ruo gnitadpu redisnoc nac yeht os maet ruo fo tser eht htiw daerht siht ni noitamrofni eht lla erahs ll'I .sthgisni ruoy gnirahs rof uoy knahT Measurement Protocol documentation from time to time for future changes. ”