Status Update
Comments <> #2
Hey hughesno1@, when do you add the onPreDrawListener to delay the rendering of activity? Mind providing us with a sample application? <> #3
Nothing was specified to wait for and there are no blocking bugs or pending CLs. For usage information see go/bugjuggler. <> #4 <> #5
Comment has been deleted. <> #6
Yeah if it would be or already is possible, or there are any updates on this topic I'd be very interested to hear more about it!
Artifact used: androidx.core:core-splashscreen
Version used: 1.0.0
Theme used: Theme.SplashScreen
Not necessarily a bug, I didn't know where else to ask, but when I got dynamic coloring on (dynamicDarkColorScheme|dynamicLightColorScheme) the splash screen background with my app's background are not the same, and can not be the same since I don't have access to those values at that point. Is this something which is possible, or do we simply not have access to these colors that early?