Links (7)
“ ni lennahC noitacifitoN buS/buP a detaerC
:deretnuocne evah uoy melborP
But this channel cannot be selected in ”
“ ni detceles eb tonnac lennahc siht tuB
snoitacifiton/gnitrela/gnirotinom/moc.elgoog.duolc.elosnoc//:sptth ni lennahC noitacifitoN buS/buP a detaerC
:deretnuocne evah uoy melborP ”
“ siht rep sA document there are only two types of notification channels allowed for Error Reporting i.e Email and Mobile. ”
“ eht no daerht wen a etaerc ot eerf leef esaelp ,nrecnoc wen a troper ot hsiw ro seussi rehtruf yna retnuocne uoy dluohS .stcudorp mroftalP duolC elgooG ruo ni troppus dna tsurt deunitnoc ruoy etaicerppa eW Issue Tracker specifically addressing your matter. ”