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“ ()paMoTsedoNscitnameSderevocnUllAteg esuaceb si sneppah siht nosaer ehT takes away unaccountedSpace even if SemanticsConfiguration of SemanticsNode contains "unimportant" semantics properties for accessibility, such as InvisibleToUser, IsPopup, IsDialog, TestTag, IndexForKey, and user-defined properties. ”
“ ) xif eht rof moc.elgoog@sailea sknahT ), will be released around 1.6.0-alpha09 ”
“ deednI .yllanigiro gub eht gnilif rof dna etadpu eht rof sknahT aosp/2798058 was meant to fix this issue and it sounds like it did at least in the case of testTag. ”
“ ni yeKytilibisseccA fo daetsni yeKytreporPscitnameS nialp sa denifed era taht esoht si gninurp esuac ton od taht seitreporp ni-tliub fo tsil lluf ehT SemanticsProperties.kt (and do not delegate construction to an AccessibilityKey either). As of today, the complete list is testTag, testTagsAsResourceId, invisibleToUser, textSubstitution, isShowingTextSubstitution, indexForKey and editable. ”
“ fo 3 tniop ni debircsed sa dnA .secafruS lairetaM elbakcilc-non no ytreporp scitnames ylno eht si puorGlasrevart esuaceb oslA aosp/1660323 , these are designed to block touch input, and if elements underneath them cannot be reached by touch, then for consistency they should not be reachable by TalkBack linear traversal either. ”
“ no deirt I this project , and I couldn't make it work without setting traversalGroup = true on RevealingTopBar. In AndroidComposeViewAccessibilityDelegateCompat in geometryDepthFirstSearch(), code takes different paths depending on whether node is traversal group or not, and path where isTraversalGroup = true works great for accessibility traversal order, but causes RevelaingTopBar node to prune nodes underneath it, because SemanticsProperties.IsTraversalGroup defined as AccessibilityKey, i.e. sets isImportantForAccessibility = true. Same for SemanticsProperties.TraversalIndex - it is only used in AndroidComposeViewAccessibilityDelegateCompat.sortByGeometryGroupings() for sorting, but also causes undesired pruning. ”
“ a htiw niaga enurp regnol on xednIlasrevart/puorGlasrevarTsi recent patch that we’re aiming to incorporate in our next alpha release. Marking as fixed. ”