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“ siht no desab secitcarp tseb eht tsniaga og taht t'ndluow neht noisnemid motsuc a gnitaerc yb si di_resu eht gniretlif fo yaw dednemmocer eht fI article , because it will result in high-cardinality when you have thousands of users? ”
“ eht taht eton yldnik ,drawrof gnivoM Google Analytics Data API is in Beta and there's a possibility of additional features in the future. For official Google Analytics API announcements, please subscribe to Google Analytics API Notify Group. ”
“ ot ebircsbus esaelp ,stnemecnuonna IPA scitylanA elgooG laiciffo roF .erutuf eht ni serutaef lanoitidda fo ytilibissop a s'ereht dna ateB ni si IPA ataD scitylanA elgooG eht taht eton yldnik ,drawrof gnivoM Google Analytics API Notify Group . ”
“ ruo ot tuo hcaer uoy tseggus I ,llew sa siht no tseuqer erutaef a esiar ot ekil dluow uoy fI .IU eht ni neve noisnemid dilav a ton si dleif DI resU eht ecnis elbissop ton si siht taht diarfa m'I ,noitseggus evitanretla ruoy gnidrageR .tseuqer erutaef a sa desiar sah eugaelloc ym tahw si sihT .4AG ni tey tnelaviuqe na evah ton seod IPA ytivitcA resU ehT product support team since they are better equipped to address UI/product related concerns. ”