Status Update
Comments <> #2
Hi, thanks for reaching out. Allow me to look into your concern. Thanks <> #3 <> #4
I tried the doma page and youtube direct, it always happens!
Generate a random videoId list in playlist and you can see it
Generate a random videoId list in playlist and you can see it <> #5
Is this behavior constantly happening? I wasn't able to replicate the behavior you are describing. Kindly try refreshing your page and try again. Thanks. <> #6
Yes it happens constantly and it's reproducibel, but only on the first page load! If you reload with the same combination of playlist-IDs it will work.
It's important that use always a new combination and not using refresh. Check the first load
VideoId-1, VideoId2, VideoId3, VideoId4 => crash
VideoId-1, VideoId2, VideoId4, VideoId3 => creash
VideoId-1, VideoId2, VideoId3 => crash
never use the same combination twice!
It's important that use always a new combination and not using refresh. Check the first load
VideoId-1, VideoId2, VideoId3, VideoId4 => crash
VideoId-1, VideoId2, VideoId4, VideoId3 => creash
VideoId-1, VideoId2, VideoId3 => crash
never use the same combination twice! <> #7
I see what you mean. I'll report this with our internal team and get back to you for any updates. Thanks. <> #8
Great, thanks <> #9
I'm also experiencing this issue with embedded videos on my Shopify site. Are there any further updates? <> #10 Restricted
Comment has been deleted. <> #11
I have the same issue when I loop single video.
According to docs I need both loop=1 and playlist=video_id. At the first load it shows "This video is unavailable".
Refreshing the page fixes it.
According to docs I need both loop=1 and playlist=video_id. At the first load it shows "This video is unavailable".
Refreshing the page fixes it. <> #12
I have the same issue. It is a real problem for my website and it was working fine before April while nothing changed in my code/site. Please fix this <> #13
any updates on this issue from google team ? seeing the last message was on Sep 29th ? <> #14
This is constant issue for us too - any updates on it? <> #15
We are also reproducing it constantly. Is there any way for Google to prioritize this issue? <> #16
Same problem on my site. When will it be fixed? <> #17
Same problem <> #18
This is probably a temporary solution, but since the playlist parameter breaks only at first load,
I simply set a function to reload the player when an error occurs.
here's my code :
function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady(){
player = new YT.Player('yt_player',{
events:{ 'onError':onPlayerError } // this
function onPlayerError(){
but like I said, this is only temporary because depending on your network speed,
the delay between error and reload can be quite visible.
I simply set a function to reload the player when an error occurs.
here's my code :
function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady(){
player = new YT.Player('yt_player',{
events:{ 'onError':onPlayerError } // this
function onPlayerError(){
but like I said, this is only temporary because depending on your network speed,
the delay between error and reload can be quite visible. <> #19
Same persistent problem on my site. Can we please have an update on when it will be resolved. <> #20
We experience the same problems on our website for quite a while now. How do I receive an update when this gets fixed?
The wordpress website with Salient theme generates the following URL on which the problem still occurs:
The wordpress website with Salient theme generates the following URL on which the problem still occurs: <> #21
hello? <> #22
Same issue still existing. Have the case of loading a single video with "?autoplay=1&mute=1&rel=0&loop=1&playlist=[videoId]".
This is quite urgent! Can't believe there has been 0 communication for 2 months on an issue like this... People literally bounce from my website instantly when they see that a product video can't be loaded!
This is quite urgent! Can't believe there has been 0 communication for 2 months on an issue like this... People literally bounce from my website instantly when they see that a product video can't be loaded! <> #23
maybe someone can open a new ticket? maybe assigned to another person who understand the scope.... <> #24 <> #25
On a free product with free embedding, why is anyone expecting this to be fixed on priority ? If you really need a professional video embedding solution, you should consider Vimeo or others video hosting solutions. This is not a revenue generating product for google. this fix/bug might perpetually sit in assigned stage !!! <> #26
Unfortunately this still is a problem, and breaks one of features of my website as well. Hopefully this can be resolves ASAP, thank you! <> #27
we disabled the playlist variable, it's the only solution that helps. <> #28
If you disable the playlist variable how can we keep looping behaviour ? It has been quite a bother to us for the past 3 months... <> #29
javascript can be helpful in this case:
function(e) {
if ( === YT.PlayerState.ENDED) {
function(e) {
if ( === YT.PlayerState.ENDED) {
} <> #30
Il semble que le bug soit corrigé.
A ce jour (20/01/23) les paramètres loop et playlist ensemble permettent bien de boucler sur une vidéo unique sans problème de disponibilité de la vidéo (erreur "Vidéo indisponible").
A ce jour (20/01/23) les paramètres loop et playlist ensemble permettent bien de boucler sur une vidéo unique sans problème de disponibilité de la vidéo (erreur "Vidéo indisponible"). <> #31
For non-French speakers:
It looks like the bug has been fixed.
To date (01/20/23) the loop and playlist parameters together allow looping on a single video without any video availability problem ("Video unavailable" error).
I haven't checked myself if it is fixed.
It looks like the bug has been fixed.
To date (01/20/23) the loop and playlist parameters together allow looping on a single video without any video availability problem ("Video unavailable" error).
I haven't checked myself if it is fixed.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #32
I still experience this issue, so according to me this is not fixed yet. <> #33
the bug has been fixed for me. Just change &playlist to &list. <> #34
Hi, any update on this issue ? I still experience this until now. <> #35
Also still experiencing this issue as of April 11, 2023. I've been getting user reports of this issue since early March, so my site has been consistently affected since at least then. <> #36
I am trying to complete a Uni assignment and this may affect my marks. Why has no one responded with any kind of fix for 9 months? <> <> #37
We are running into the same issue. <> #38
Also still seeing this behavior - any combination of `loop=1` and `playlist={id}` will only sometimes result in a "This video is unavailable" error - most often on first initial page load. <> #39
Resolve this issue as soon as possible <> #40
Still a problem as of now. Please fix.
- Description
If you use the "playlist" parameter with a combination of videoIds that was not used before the player breaks on first load with "The video is unavailable", if you reload your browser to player works as expected.
To reproduce the error, add a new video id in the playlist parameter and reload.
- API request with parameters used (DO NOT include your credential)
Example for iframe, with iframe JS API is the same result
<iframe id="ytplayer" type="text/html" width="640" height="360" src="
2) add, remove or change sorting of videoIds so the playlist is different than before, but always use a new combination!
<iframe id="ytplayer" type="text/html" width="640" height="360" src="
- Result (copy and paste a JSON response you received)
"Dieses Video ist nicht verfügbar" / "This video is unavailable"
- Expected result
Working playlist with player on first load
- Is it 100% reproducible?
- Reproducible API explorer link
see above