Status Update
Comments <> #2
Thanks for your suggestion! We are currently evaluating this request, but do not have any plans to implement it at the moment. Please star to add your vote and receive further updates, and feel free to add any comments to discuss your use case. <> #3
I've transitioned from this team. Thanks!
I did distance matrix manually by google map destination and mapsme destination, also I used Distance Matrix API for following locations. But Distance Matrix API results are not matching, even not close, with my manual result. Please give me some explanation on this issue.
It is my manual result.
[550,500,4700,4800,5100,4600,800,5500,0,5000,1000,500,200,5200], [5500,4700,2000,900,100,500,4300,2900,5000,0,4100,4800,5200,2600],
It is Distance Matrix API result.
[[0, 682, 3859, 2895, 2855, 2937, 962, 4515, 383, 2853, 1131, 609, 292, 4399],
[682, 0, 3178, 2213, 2173, 2255, 280, 3833, 298, 2171, 449, 72, 389, 3717],
[3859, 3178, 0, 964, 1004, 922, 2897, 656, 3476, 1006, 2729, 3250, 3567, 540],
[2895, 2213, 964, 0, 40, 42, 1933, 1620, 2512, 42, 1764, 2286, 2603, 1504],
[2855, 2173, 1004, 40, 0, 82, 1893, 1660, 2472, 2, 1725, 2246, 2563, 1544],
[2937, 2255, 922, 42, 82, 0, 1975, 1578, 2554, 84, 1807, 2328, 2645, 1462],
[962, 280, 2897, 1933, 1893, 1975, 0, 3553, 579, 1891, 169, 353, 670, 3437],
[4515, 3833, 656, 1620, 1660, 1578, 3553, 0, 4132, 1662, 3384, 3905, 4223, 116],
[383, 298, 3476, 2512, 2472, 2554, 579, 4132, 0, 2470, 747, 226, 91, 4016],
[2853, 2171, 1006, 42, 2, 84, 1891, 1662, 2470, 0, 1722, 2244, 2561, 1546],
[1131, 449, 2729, 1764, 1725, 1807, 169, 3384, 747, 1722, 0, 521, 838, 3268],
[609, 72, 3250, 2286, 2246, 2328, 353, 3905, 226, 2244, 521, 0, 317, 3790],
[292, 389, 3567, 2603, 2563, 2645, 670, 4223, 91, 2561, 838, 317, 0, 4107],
[4399, 3717, 540, 1504, 1544, 1462, 3437, 116, 4016, 1546, 3268, 3790, 4107, 0]]