Status Update
Comments <> #2
Sorry, i create this issue in the wrong place. Can you archive it please. <> <> #3
Thanks for reporting this! This is a known issue that we will address soon. Unfortunately, there are no workarounds in the meantime, but hopefully you won't have to wait too long :)
Jetpack Compose version: 1.2.1 Kotlin version : 1.7.10
I use a ModalBottomSheetLayout with sheet content which can change. In this configuration, I can't click on buttons in bottom sheet when it's open for a while. It's as if the bottom sheet hadn't finished growing and had to go up to the top of the screen.
Code Sample :
I put a slow animation to better see the problem. If you open Bottom Sheet 1, it's impossible to click on the button for a while.
Is it a bug or am i making the multi bottomsheet wrong ?