Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
Thanks for the report. I will route this to the appropriate internal team and update this when I hear back from them.
Please provide as much information as possible. At least, this should include a description of your issue and steps to reproduce the problem. If possible please provide a summary of what steps or workarounds you have already tried, and any docs or articles you found (un)helpful.
Problem you have encountered:
> Storage based Eventarc ( Storage event >> Cloud Run ) make Cloud Run run twice.
> with one Storage event, there were 2 times of event delivery happened, which is why the Cloud Run run twice.
> from the document[1], it explains as below, which explains the undesired behavior as above.
Once started, Cloud Storage guarantees at-least-once delivery to Pub/Sub. Pub/Sub also offers at-least-once delivery to the recipient, which means that you could receive multiple messages, with multiple IDs, that represent the same Cloud Storage event.
*** for the use to avoid unnecessary Job done, or avoid wrong behavior on using Storage event trigger, "exactly-once delivery" is needed, not "at-least-once delivery"
What you expected to happen:
Storage based eventarc should make a single call to Cloud Run
Steps to reproduce: -
Other information (workarounds you have tried, documentation consulted, etc):