Status Update
Comments <> #2 <> #3 <> #4 <> #5
[Add-on to <> #6
Maybe the info appears as a nested object? e.g. "popular times" > "day of week" > "hour of day" > traffic count <> #7
Is this still being investigated? The data is still very hard to access. <> #8
This is taking longer than I thought. The issue is assigned but I don't get why they haven't got back to me. Can this be that everyone's busy at the moment? <> #9
Okay, I may have thought of other varying issues as to why the data didn't last long. I suspect the following:
- GPS misconfiguration
- Bad threshold
- Software issues, most likely bugs in the capturing equipment. That is probably why not all of the Gen 4 imagery was published in 2017 at the time of the new camera's announcement, because the imagery taken by most of the official Gen 4 cars that began driving throughout North America in late 2016 were not fully functional to be published. Only a small amount of the first Gen 4 images were published in September 2017 mostly in the cities of Phoenix, AZ and Santa Cruz, CA.
- Poor data precision
- Privacy issues, in case the removal was actually intentional even though I don't consider the imagery to be that problematic to Google
If any of these reasons apply, a technical description should be provided. <> #10 <> #11 <> #12 <> #13
To add onto the first comment, the 9/10/2021 update closely relates to the 10/8/2020 update, which was needed to add newer imagery that was not released in some cities in California and Texas because they were limited to a maximum capture date of June 2017 or January 2018, which made the contents of the Street View severely out-of-date, and my suspicion of this problem was due to elevated privacy concerns. The addition from the 9/20/2021 update should have never been undone because again, it's supposed to provide more historical records for research and provide quality updates to existing coverage. And if that didn't happen to the 10/8/2020 update, it should have also not happened in this instance.
WARNING: Please DO NOT close this as a duplicate of issue 214122362 . This issue does NOT deal entirely with other Gen 4 images; it concerns with imagery from around the world that was released on September 10, 2021, regardless of camera generation. I repeat, DO NOT CLOSE!
Alright, I seem to have misdescribed on my previous issue, issue 241306068 . Allow myself to explain more clearly.
Aside from the newer 2021 Gen 4 imagery and continuous updates being enabled in select countries, the 9/10/2021 updated added a large number of historical imagery spanning multiple countries throughout the world, including the return of Gen 1 data in Japan, a mixture of Gen 3 and Gen 4 in North America (most notably, the addition of more 2017 Gen 4 content), new coverage in rural areas throughout Germany, and updates to a few cities in Bangladesh. Some examples are attached. They were accessed through the Time Machine feature in Maps. Unfortunately, the cameras that took the imagery didn't take enough panoramas to have sufficient densities, leading to a mass removal of these which occurred on March 1, 2022 and thereby making them inaccessible directly on Maps. However, newer imagery, especially those made part of the continuous updates system, are unaffected.
Even after that, the imagery was still accessible through the API, but over the months they have also been removed there. Try this link: . I expected to see an image dated April 2017 in Gen 4 quality, but due to expired pano IDs, it returns a different capture instead, along with a warning on the bottom that says 'No Street View imagery available here.' Demo also attached.
The removal really disappoints me because the 9/10/2021 update was intended to add more historical records for research and provide new/updated coverage to some countries. They have not returned since June, and nothing is being done to restore the pictures. Recovery is strongly appreciated.
WARNING: Please DO NOT close this as a duplicate of issue 214122362 . This issue does NOT deal entirely with other Gen 4 images; it concerns with imagery from around the world that was released on September 10, 2021, regardless of camera generation. I repeat, DO NOT CLOSE!