Status Update
Comments <> <> <> #2
Thank you for posting an issue. It is not obvious to me what the error is, please give some more information, ideally a
If you cannot provide a dump, please share the full stack trace and potentially the classes that are failing if that is available from the information you have. You can probably obtain it by running the release process from the command line.
The Expected stack map table for method with non-linear control flow.
is because you have invalid class file input. It is an error to not provide frame information in jumps and has been so from class file version 50.
The explanation provided by the AccessibilityDetector lint check suggests an outdated approach (using
).It is also a different approach from what's documented today in the url linked in that lint check which states:
"If your UI includes graphical elements that are used for decorative effect only, set their descriptions to "@null". If your app's minSdkVersion is 16 or higher, you can instead set these graphical elements' android:importantForAccessibility attributes to "no"."
I believe the check's explanation is misleading and should be updated.