If TestMonotonicFrameClock.performFrame throws after running withFrameNanos callbacks, and then a withFrameNanos caller synchronously resumes and immediately throws its own exception, if that exception bubbles up to cancel the test job before performFrame gets a chance to throw and cancel, then the test failure will only show the withFrameNanos failure and not the performFrame failure. This is only an issue when using the UnconfinedTestDispatcher, as we are as of the time of filing this bug (see b/254115946).
If b/254115946 ).
throws after runningwithFrameNanos
callbacks, and then awithFrameNanos
caller synchronously resumes and immediately throws its own exception, if that exception bubbles up to cancel the test job beforeperformFrame
gets a chance to throw and cancel, then the test failure will only show thewithFrameNanos
failure and not theperformFrame
failure. This is only an issue when using theUnconfinedTestDispatcher
, as we are as of the time of filing this bug (see