Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
Oh I forgot to mention that I thought it might be connected to this issue: <> #3
Please provide a minimal sample project along with the minimal steps to recreate the issue in the project. <> #4
Sorry for the delay. I got a working example here:
I poked into it a little bit and it seems to be connected to
Steps to reproduce:
- Navigate from Second Fragment to Child nav graph (with non-nullable parameters).
- Navigate to Third fragment using SafeArgs and the app crashes.
Crash log:
Process: cz.dels.issues, PID: 1743
java.lang.NullPointerException: null cannot be cast to non-null type kotlin.Long
at androidx.navigation.NavType$Companion$LongType$1.get(NavType.kt:352)
at androidx.navigation.NavType$Companion$LongType$1.get(NavType.kt:342)
at androidx.navigation.NavArgument.verify(NavArgument.kt:76)
at androidx.navigation.NavDestination.addInDefaultArgs(NavDestination.kt:502)
at androidx.navigation.NavController.addEntryToBackStack(NavController.kt:1865)
at androidx.navigation.NavController.addEntryToBackStack$default(NavController.kt:1813)
at androidx.navigation.NavController$navigate$4.invoke(NavController.kt:1721)
at androidx.navigation.NavController$navigate$4.invoke(NavController.kt:1719)
at androidx.navigation.NavController$NavControllerNavigatorState.push(NavController.kt:287)
at androidx.navigation.fragment.FragmentNavigator.navigate(FragmentNavigator.kt:246)
at androidx.navigation.fragment.FragmentNavigator.navigate(FragmentNavigator.kt:162)
at androidx.navigation.NavController.navigateInternal(NavController.kt:260)
at androidx.navigation.NavController.navigate(NavController.kt:1719)
at androidx.navigation.NavController.navigate(NavController.kt:1545)
at androidx.navigation.NavController.navigate(NavController.kt:1472)
at androidx.navigation.NavController.navigate(NavController.kt:1930)
at cz.dels.issues.SecondFragment.onViewCreated$lambda-0(SecondFragment.kt:38)
at cz.dels.issues.SecondFragment.$r8$lambda$XDYnOS_cYrafiNQ5rcCu1WCn0IE(Unknown Source:0)
at cz.dels.issues.SecondFragment$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0.onClick(Unknown Source:2)
Note: If in step 2 SaveArgs is not used then navigation works correctly. More information is here:
Version used: 2.4.0 through 2.5.3 (doesn't happen on 2.3.5)
Devices/Android versions reproduced on: Intel mac, M1 mac, AS Dolphin 2021.3.1 Patch 1
When using defining a safeArgs fragment argument, if the arguement matches these conditions, then you recieve a compilation error:
1. Argument is an array of a parcelable data object defined in the project.
2. Argument has a name witha character length of 19 characters.
Compilation error:
Function invocation 'map(...)' expected
Reason for error:
Generated file MyClassFragmentArgs with generated function fromSavedStateHandle. The code style wraps the generated code (maybe 100 characters as standard) splitting map function invocation "map {" over two lines.
Changing wrapping for code locally in AS does not change generated file line wrapping. Assume this is caused by some code styling shipped with dependency.
If this is a bug in the library, we would appreciate if you could attach:
- Sample project to trigger the issue.
- A screenrecord or screenshots showing the issue (if UI related).