Status Update
Comments <> #2
Forgot to mention that all this only happens in the cloud, dev server works fine. <> #3
Ah, u'=C5=BCar=C3=B3wka1111111111111111'.decode('quotedprintable') breaks on my local
python 2.5 as well. 2.6 works fine, so nothing appengine specific here. It can be
worked around by doing .encode('ascii') on the unicode string first.
python 2.5 as well. 2.6 works fine, so nothing appengine specific here. It can be
worked around by doing .encode('ascii') on the unicode string first. <> <> #4
"which cause exception when analyze it." -- can you show what this exception is? Is it in lint, or in your own lint check? It looks to me like the above is valid Kotlin, so somebody could use type aliases in their code here (to avoid to repeat Function<Any, LiveData<Any>> over and over.)
Louis, I wasn't aware that this test mode had been skipped in AndroidX. Can you say more about why it doesn't make sense to typealias a composable function type? I can change the test mode to automatically skip those if that's the case (but in this bug report the APIs aren't composeable functions as far as I know.) <> #5
[Comment deleted] <> #6
This problem happens with additional parameters (to HTTP-POST), and it's very hard to work around because it encodes to base64 only if the string contains international characters.
Thant's because when we have class like:
public class SomeNamedClass {
public void someMethod() {
ArgumentLiveData<Object, Object> anonymous = ArgumentLiveData.create(new Function<Object, LiveData<Object>>() {
public LiveData<Object> apply(Object input) {
return null;
in TestMode.TYPE_ALIAS, it's look like:
class SomeNamedClass {
fun someMethod() {
val anonymous = ArgumentLiveData.create(object : Function<Any, LiveData<Any>> {
override fun apply(input: Any?): LiveData<Any> {
return MutableLiveData()
which cause exception when analyze it.