Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
It is actually not R8 doing the packing, so cc gavra@ on why this happened now <> #3
I know it's not D8 that does the packing unfortunately most of the sections are not writable by devs and triage probably just do what it can. In this case he saw dex he selected D8 :) (At least it was triaged to a responsive team)
Wanted to attribute to AGP tracker part.
Anyway thanks for explaining what the OS can do uncompressed (Can you clarify if it's tied to Android version or OEM could have difference too), but this is still a change that needs to be documented and possibly optioned for distribution on self hosting where BW have impact.
Would be nice to also know if this is the case for debug builds when ran on older devices that requires ADB upload in slow mode as it impact dev times too. <> #4
Maybe you can use:
(could be that we changed the default - Ivan to validate that) <> #5 <> #6
Ok thanks for the details that explains all :(
If null, dex files will be uncompressed when minSdk >= 28.
And I've just migrated to that in that app, was completely unable to find that info by myself :(
Thanks a lot, this can be closed then, not related to the AGP update just a bad coincidence.
While this is not an issue when distributing via Play Store, this is problematic for other channel distributions. (For my app the .APK double it's size 6MB to 12MB).
If this is a wanted change to improve differential updates or needed by Play Store, it would be nice if this was guarded by a parameter to allow to keep previous way.
Studio Build: Flaming A8 Version of Gradle Plugin: 8.0.0 A8 Version of Gradle: 7.6-rc-3 Version of Java: 11 OS: Windows