Status Update
Comments <> <> #3
Looks like the desugared code has to be in a separate module. I modified your project to repro and attached here. <> #4
Thanks for the repro case! Investigating. <> #5
I just bumped into this as well. To reproduce, you can use the reproducer-260755411
branch of the ./gradlew :shared:lintDebug
$ ./gradlew :shared:lintDebug
> Configure project :shared
> Task :shared:lintReportDebug
Wrote HTML report to file:///Users/mbonnin/git/Confetti/shared/build/reports/lint-results-debug.html
> Task :shared:lintDebug FAILED
Lint found 1 errors, 0 warnings. First failure:
/Users/mbonnin/git/Confetti/shared/src/androidMain/kotlin/dev/johnoreilly/confetti/utils/AndroidDateTimeFormatter.kt:15: Error: Cast from Instant to TemporalAccessor requires API level 26 (current min is 21) [NewApi]
return formatter.withZone(ZoneId.of(
There was no error on AGP 7.3.1 <> #6
This bug is fixed by
There was also a related fix here for the scenario where you run lint on the library itself:
Thanks for the report and especially the clear repro! <> #7
Actually it sounds from the initial report like this wasn't broken in 7.4 ( <> #8
Also I just tried 8.0.0-alpha10 and it seems to be fixed there as well 👍 <> #9
Thanks for confirming, glad to hear it!
I just updated to Flamingo Alpha 8 from EE Beta 5 and running lint results in NewApi errors for
(272 occurrences in my app). My minApi is 24 and lint is saying that all of these calls require minApi 26. I have desugaring enabled.