Status Update
Comments <> #2 <> #3
In my opinion, at least one of the two should change with regards to the behavior of Excusing an assignment:
1. Any original score returned to the student should be erased from the submission entirely. This should make the returned grade empty/null, so the API response does not need any special indicator for an excused grade.
2. If a returned grade should still be associated with a submission (but not count towards the overall grade like the Google Classroom UI calculates), then this same flag/indicator should be exposed via the API so that a similar overall grade calculation can be performed from the API response. <> #4
Thanks for providing feedback around supporting excused assignments in the Classroom API! I've made a note of your comments and transferred them internally. Any updates about this will be communicated here. <> #5
We are an SIS that consumes Classroom data via the API.
What we are observing:
- we don't get StudentSubmissions where student was never scored and was excused, so parents are confused thinking that work is not done when it should be excused when looking in our platform.
- When a student is scored, grades are synced, then excused, we don't get the update that the assignment was excused. So now the student has a score (0 or otherwise) that doesn't reflect what's in Google Classroom, creating discrepancies between Classroom assignment grades and SIS assignment grades. <> #6
Thanks for providing supporting feedback. I'd love to learn a bit more about your comment:
"we don't get StudentSubmissions where student was never scored and was excused, so parents are confused thinking that work is not done when it should be excused when looking in our platform."
Can you provide more information on the API call you are making here so I can try to figure out the issue? I'm not able to reproduce this at the moment; when reading student submissions by calling ListStudentSubmissions, I'm able to retrieve submissions that are marked as excused in the UI.
"When a student is scored, grades are synced, then excused, we don't get the update that the assignment was excused. So now the student has a score (0 or otherwise) that doesn't reflect what's in Google Classroom, creating discrepancies between Classroom assignment grades and SIS assignment grades."
Trying to understand this issue a bit further - if I understand correctly, there may be grade discrepancies between Classroom and SIS in the event that a teacher modifies a grade after the grades have been synced with the SIS. Do you have a mechanism today by which you monitor these types of grade changes? If not, is being alerted about excused assignments more important than other types of submission changes?
Thanks for reaching out. I filed a new issue as it is not clear yet if this is an instance of b/247054688 .
As a first step it would be great if you could verify the R8 version you are using as suggested by Carlo in b/247054688#comment25 .
If you can provide a compiler input dump of the build that creates this incorrect code that would be very helpful? Either attached publicly here or shared privately and/or