Status Update
Comments <> #2
I have forwarded this request to the engineering team. We will update this issue with any progress updates and a resolution. <> #3
Hello! Sorry to bring up this issue after almost a year but I wanted to add that we have chosen metric identifier as but autoscaling didnt work out for us either. It would be appraciated if you can guide us. <> <> #4
Hi, at the moment we are using the cpu_utilization/target_utilization attribute (in app.yaml) for autoscaling in the app engine flexible environment, however it would be great if we can have the way to mention the memory_utilization metrics as well to decide on the auto scaling. It will give us more control of the auto scaling the instances than now. <> #5
Hi, I do not see any memory metrics in neither console nor stackdriver. Is this connected to this issue? <> #6
Hello Google team, I was directed to this issue by the support team when we raised concerns around the non availability of memory metrics for Auto Scaling. Is this feature 'released' or in roadmap or not considered ? Please provide some details around this <> #7
Hi ,
Can somebody tell the exact metric for memory based autoscaling
Can somebody tell the exact metric for memory based autoscaling <> #8
this comment is a little bit pointless. ATM we have at least 11 ppl who need this change. Also, how we can create a bug request IF this feature is not yet implemented? I know, that you are not providing ETA, it's fine, but any kind of roadmap in terms of feature request taken from IssueTracker or Google Cloud Community, would be sufficient imho.
cheers, Damian <> #9
Hello, any update?
This will create a feature request which anybody can view and comment on.
Please describe your requested enhancement. Good feature requests will solve common problems or enable new use cases.
What you would like to achieve:
I would like to be able to define the values that will be the components of the alert title that will be generated by alerting policies, or I would like to be able to provide a custom alert tittle that will be displayed in PagerDuty service
How it could work:
Custom alert tittle option: This could work so that we have a 'custom tittle' box to tick and a box to enter this alert title. If we enter a title such as "Kubernetes Container - Memory limit utilization > 90" we will get an alert with exactly such a title in the header instead of "CPU utilization for monitored-project-2-362511 vm-test with metric labels {instance_name=vm-test} and metadata labels {under_monitoring=true} is above the threshold of 0.950 with a value of 1.021. | Violation started: Nov 27, 2022 at 12:01PM UTC (less than 1 sec ago) | Policy: [*] [c-tok] [test] CRITICAL: VM Instance - CPU utilization > 0.95% | Condition: CRITICAL: VM Instance - CPU utilization > 0.95% | View incident: "
Payload builder:
This could work in such a way that we have a builder that allows us to create the ideal skeleton for the alert from among predefined variables. This would mean that we have control over what is displayed in the alert.
If applicable, reasons why alternative solutions are not sufficient:
Modifications to the alert skeleton are not currently possible ( unless in custom metrics)
Other information (workarounds you have tried, documentation consulted, etc.):
I have put useful information in the "Documentation" section of the alert in question, but there the range of variables that can be used is also limited.