Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
Okay. I tried a bunch of agp+android studio versions
The last working version was classpath("")
once I moved to
then things start breaking on firebase app dist. <> <> #3
Scott, assigning to you as it seem to complain the zip is not aligned while packaging which is very puzzling considering the steps... <> #4
OP, when you build the APK with AGP, are you doing any post-processing on the APK and/or do you have any custom tasks that are modifying the APK?
Can you try to verify the alignment of your APK with zipalign
locally (zipalign
is included in build-tools
zipalign -c -v 4 foo.apk <> #5
Not doing any post processing. No custom tasks. I will try to verify alignment now. Give me a sec.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #6
Scenario 1:
built my apk with agp alpha09, but didn't update firebase (bom = 30.2.0)
/Users/idle/Library/Android/sdk/build-tools/31.0.0/zipalign -c -v 4 app-release.apk
"Verification succesful"
Scenario 2:
built my apk with agp alpha09, but I DID update firebase (bom = 30.3.1)
/Users/idle/Library/Android/sdk/build-tools/31.0.0/zipalign -c -v 4 app-release.apk
"Verification FAILED" <> #7
Scenario 3:
built my apk with agp alpha09, with androidx.splash rc01
/Users/idle/Library/Android/sdk/build-tools/31.0.0/zipalign -c -v 4 app-release.apk
"Verification succesful"
Scenario 4:
built my apk with agp alpha09, with androidx.splash 1.0.0
/Users/idle/Library/Android/sdk/build-tools/31.0.0/zipalign -c -v 4 app-release.apk
"Verification FAILED"
In both failed cases if I do | grep BAD
I get
7216334 junit/runner/logo.gif (BAD - 2)
7217354 junit/runner/smalllogo.gif (BAD - 2) <> #8
In the cases where zipalign
verification fails, is the APK generated by a clean build (e.g., ./gradlew clean :app:assembleRelease
Does verification succeed if you add this to your build.gradle?
android {
packagingOptions {
exclude 'junit/runner/logo.gif'
exclude 'junit/runner/smalllogo.gif'
} <> #9
In the cases where zipalign verification fails, is the APK generated by a clean build (e.g., ./gradlew clean :app:assembleRelease)?
I clean before i generate the apk using the Android Studio menu for generating an apk
Does verification succeed if you add this to your build.gradle?
I assume it will, but let me try. Any reason why changing from androidx.splash 1.0.0-rc01 to 1.0.0 stable (which is 0 changes. all it changed was the dependency version) that it fails verification. It seems like something else is wrong that's a bit deeper than just adding these two exclude statements. <> #10
It seems like something else is wrong that's a bit deeper than just adding these two exclude statements.
I agree, but I'd like to find a workaround for you in the meantime.
I think I'll probably need a repro project to get to the bottom of it. In your other thread, it sounded like you weren't able to create a repro project... any luck since then? <> <> #11
I was not able to create a repro unfortunately. As soon as I started to prune things out of my project it started to succeed.
Similarly. firebase came out with a new version. and if i use that new version... then it also succeeds. 🤯
I'm glad to hear there is a workaround for now (and i learned something new about zipalign). I will try to create a repo project again later today when I have about an hour or so free to play around with it, but for now I will just commit the
android {
packagingOptions {
exclude 'junit/runner/logo.gif'
exclude 'junit/runner/smalllogo.gif'
to my codebase because that did the trick for me. Everything works. Thank you for your quick response and helpful debugging steps. <> #13
not able to get a repro case. literally any minor thing i change makes this verify successfully. im a bit out of ideas. the only thing i can think of that might help is why is junit being packaged into my app.
and i think the reason for that is that I depend on okhttp3:mockwebserver:4.10.0
implementation("junit:junit:4.13.2") // Needed because mockwebserver has a dependency on it. This can be removed in okhttp 5+
so the apps i ship through firebase have a mockwebserver using okhttpmockwebserver, but version 4+ requires junit while okhttp 5+ (not yet released), removes this dep.
so maybe just playing around with adding junit as a dependency to an actual app might help repro?
maybe still owrth checking out as there could be other deps that end up with the same issue. idk. just trying to be helpful i guess. but as for me. im going to consider this case closed. excluding the above like you mentioned has unblocked my team. cheers <> #14
Thanks for looking into it!
I agree it's strange they have an implementation
dependency on junit, and I'm glad they're removing it in okhttp 5+.
I'll go ahead and close this bug for now. <> #15
This is fixed by Change-Id: I12ec8785cd4dbb6e523c66b4620ed2388f448822, which will be in AGP 7.4.0-rc01 and 8.0.0-alpha08. <> #16
Thanks for filing the bug, OP. Your observation in <> #17
FUCK YEAH! Glad I was helpful! Appreciate you working through it with me here. Cheers. Once I update to alpha08 I will remove the workaround I added. cheers <> #18
So far, it is scheduled for Feb 1st which looks likely at this point.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #19
The error does not seem to be fixed in 7.4.1. Can you confirm this is indeed released? <> #20
Actually the issue looks like fixed on our end. We're bumping React Native to use AGP 7.4.1 and the addGeneratedSourceDirectory
API here:
Thanks for working on this folks even if it took longer to land than expected <> #21
#19, I am sorry, there was a misunderstanding with the release team. they had an even more urgent fix to push which was 7.4.1 and the normal dot release that contains this fix got pushed to 7.4.2 which is looking to be couple of weeks away (still working the date with them). So sorry for the wrong info, It surprised me too. <> #22
That's confusing as the issue seems effectively fixed in 7.4.1, also in the reproducer I linked: <> #23
For a workmate it also failed on his first try. We might see tomorrow.
Not sure yet, but it might be flaky now, depending on some cache or other internals.
I'll report back if I know more but it's good to know about the new target of 7.4.2. Really sad this kind of thing can't make it into a .0 release as prio 0 bug, especially since it *was* ready.
Maybe you guys can take this as a feedback and improve something, feels like it just hit a process / politics wall. <> #24 <> #25
this might be due to a third party plugin. do you have a small project to reproduce the issue ?
can you provide a stack trace ?
> Android Public Tracker > App Development > Android Studio > Gradle > Android Gradle Plugin
but I don't have permission to do so.
## Expected Result
AGP Variant API works well between 7.4.0-beta05 and 7.4.0-rc01
## Observed Results
Bumping AGP from 7.4.0-beta05 to 7.4.0-rc01 results in a build failure with the following message:
> Task :example:mapDebugSourceSetPaths FAILED
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':example:mapDebugSourceSetPaths'.
> Querying the mapped value of map(provider(java.util.Set)) before task ':example:reproducerdebugTask' has completed is not supported
It seems like AGP is querying the value of the `@OutputDirectory` of the task I created `example:reproducerdebugTask`.
## Reproducer
You can find a small reproducer here:
Specifically this commit shows a working setup with AGP 7.4 beta5
Bumping to RC01 causes the failure:
I've also configured the CI so you have a clean environment where you can easily reproduce.
The command to reproduce upon cloning is `./gradlew :example:assembleDebug`.
## Further Context
This issue was noticed upstream on React Native here:
as we're using a similar pattern inside the React Native Gradle Plugin.