Status Update
Comments <> #2
I have forwarded this request to the engineering team. We will update this issue with any progress updates and a resolution.
Best Regards,
Josh Moyer
Google Cloud Platform Support
Best Regards,
Josh Moyer
Google Cloud Platform Support <> #3
This is not only useful for IP addresses, but also for many other resources. I understand that names are currently used as identifiers, so this request is probably not trivial to implement. Maybe distinguishing between a (numeric, automatically generated) identifier and a (textual) label is the way to go?
We would like the implementation of a feature to monitor/track the usage of the API keys using logs.
At the moment, we need to track the usage of APIs through metrics: “API Dashboard” and “Cloud Monitoring“.
A possible workaround will be using “Audit logs for service accounts”[1]:
Authenticating users with a service account key [2] and include the “protoPayload.authenticationInfo.serviceAccountKeyName” which contains the key that was used to request the OAuth 2.0 access token and with that we will be able to track the usage through audit-logs.
Do We have any plans to implement this feature?
Thanks for your time