Status Update
Comments <> #2
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- Summary: The Apps Script application is not working as expected. The first page works, but the second page does not. It is difficult to determine the root cause without additional information.
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Automated by Blunderbuss job workspace-devrel-public-issue-tracker-blunderbuss-autoassigner for config assign for component 191640. <> #4
Hi there!
I was able to replicate this behaviour. I just sent a report about it to the team in charge of further analysis. Future updates will be posted here. Thank you for your feedback, have a nice day. <> #5
Comment has been deleted. <> #6
for(let i =0; i < 10; ++i) {
var blob = ur1fetchapp .fetch(ur1) .getblob();
var img = paragraph,addpositionedimage(blob);
console.log(''image height: '' +img.getheight
img.setheight(img.getheight() *0,9);
function myfunction() {
var doc = documentapp.openbyid(inserityourdocidhere'');
var url = ''
const body = doc.getbody();
const paragraph = body.appendparagraph("sampleparagraph");
for (let i = 0; i < 10 ++i) {
var blob = urlfetchapp.fetch(url).getblob().copyblob();
var img =paragraph.affpositionedimage(blob);
console.log("image original height: " + img.getheight());
img.setheight(img.getheight() * 0.9);
console.log("image new height: " + img.getheight());
} componentid:327918 <> <> #7
I am marking this issue as FIXED
as the internally reported issue has been marked as FIXED
. Please note that there may be a delay in rolling this out to production. Thank you for your patience and please comment here if the issue remains.
The following code should download and instantiate 10 identical images, scaling each by 0.9 from the original.
However, it seems (?) the returned blob is cached and that image somehow uses the blob when scaling, because the end result in the logs is the following:
I'd expect the blob used by the image to not be shared across images. Even using
var blob = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url).getBlob().copyBlob();
(with a fresh noncached image, or at least I tried to do this) returns images with different sizes:The URLs are PNG images from my Google Drive, eg,
.This all looks weird but I just don't understand what's going on.