Status Update
Comments <> #2
Will be this fix also part of 4.2 please? <> #3
for the "out" bundle issue, this seems indeed an issue. for the second one reported adding "debugUpdateAPKArtifact" to the path, this WAI as there can more more than one transformer and we need to automatically separate them so they do not use the same output folder. for #3, I will look at it but it might be difficult to change it at this time. <> #4
I understand that if there is more transformer is necessary to make every folder different, but there is the main problem, that the final one (last transform) is inside of the intermediate folder. The last transformation should end in the standard location, right? Maybe also with the default name not? <> #5
Hello, this is a P1 S1 issue for a while now, and it's blocking us from upgrading to AGP 4.2 and further. What's the current status? And do you have plans to backport it to 4.2.x?
AGP: 8.0.0-alpha10
Using the snippet below:
and running
./gradlew :library:assembleDebug --configuration-cache
fails withAdding to
instead ofvariant.sources.resources
fixes the issue.