Status Update
Comments <> #2
Thanks for reaching out to us!
The issue has been created and the Product Engineering Team is working on this request. At this moment, there is no ETA to this request. Thank you for your trust and continued support to improve Google Cloud Platform products.
In case you want to report a new issue, please do not hesitate to create a new Issue Tracker thread describing your issue. <> #3
The original bug report here seems to describe the multiple lines from an Exception's stack trace each being put into their own log entry.
Google Cloud logging no longer seems to do that with an Exception's stack trace: the entire stack trace seems to be part of a single log entry, which is the correct behavior.
However, Google Cloud logging DOES still use multiple log entries if the Exception's text message part contains multiple lines: see
Google Cloud logging no longer seems to do that with an Exception's stack trace: the entire stack trace seems to be part of a single log entry, which is the correct behavior.
However, Google Cloud logging DOES still use multiple log entries if the Exception's text message part contains multiple lines: see <> #4
I also encountered in this bug although I don't have a particularly long file name, I have a log error with a "valueError" exception that is being split into a few logs and by that I'm missing the exception log from the error reporter. (only seeing the traceback there) <> #5
It's not uncommon for both Python and Java to face similar challenges.
Version info
node: 16
firebase-functions: 3.22.0
firebase-tools: 10.6.0
firebase-admin: 10.0.2
Test case
If a TypeError occurs, the Cloud Logging log will have multiple lines.
Therefore, if the file path is long, the stack trace will be a completely separate line and will not be treated as an Error.
Steps to reproduce
run function
Expected behavior
The errors are combined into a single log and sent to Error Reporting, just like normal errors.
Actual behavior
Split into multiple logs and not sent to Error Reporting