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“ ) rezylana gninnacs edocraB tiKLM htiw noitatnemelpmi XaremaC cisab gniyrt saw I as in this sample ). I wanted to have zoom ratio of 1.5f to start Camera preview with. So calling setZoomRatio() does not work right after calling previewView.controller = cameraController. But it works when called right after PreviewView's state is in STREAMING. But then, it doesn't look like a good UX that it starts camera with 1x and suddenly starts with some another zoom ratio. ”
“ gnillac oS .htiw weiverp aremaC trats ot f5.1 fo oitar mooz evah ot detnaw I .(elpmas siht ni sa) rezylana gninnacs edocraB tiKLM htiw noitatnemelpmi XaremaC cisab gniyrt saw I setZoomRatio() does not work right after calling previewView.controller = cameraController. But it works when called right after PreviewView's state is in STREAMING. But then, it doesn't look like a good UX that it starts camera with 1x and suddenly starts with some another zoom ratio. ”
“ fo sdohtem eht lla tcepxe ew nac ,erutuf gnimoc eht nI CameraControl to be supported in the CameraController? It would be great if provided. ”