Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
Thank you for reporting this issue. For us to further investigate this issue, please provide the following additional information:
Please share a bug report from the latest build :
Android bug report (to be captured after reproducing the issue) For steps to capture a bug report, please refer:
Alternate method Navigate to “Developer options”, ensure “USB debugging” is enabled, then enable “Bug report shortcut”. Capture bug report by holding the power button and selecting the “Take bug report” option.
Screen record of the issue, for clarity Please capture screen record or video of the issue using following steps: adb shell screenrecord /sdcard/video.mp4 Subsequently use following command to pull the recorded file: adb pull /sdcard/video.mp4
Note: Please upload the files to google drive and share the folder to <> #5
I'm sorry. I missed the part about the video. I've now recorded the video.
- Here's the bug report: - Here's the video:
Let me know if you need any more info. <> #6
Thanks for the response , we have installed the given app and tested in latest beta build (T2B2.221216.006) the issue is not reproduced, we are requesting you to test the issue on latest beta ( <> #7
Thank you for testing.
Unfortunately it's still happening for me on the exact same beta build. Here's a bug report made with that build:
Hope this helps!
Yes. And from Android 13 as well. Running it on Android 13 on a Pixel 6 Pro, it works correctly.
Pixel 5
Check that the notifications shade does dismiss correctly after 3 seconds
Notification Shade should dismiss when notifications are showing, even if quick setting tiles are not expanded.
Notification shade only dismissed if quick setting tiles were expanded.