Links (7)
“ er'uoy fI ?baT motsuC eht gniyalpsid eb lliw resworb hcihw wonk uoy oD connecting to the Custom Tabs service , it will be the package name you're using, otherwise it should be the default browser on the device? ”
“ ) ecived rieht no dellatsni semeht motsuc dah sresu erehw oga sraey wef a dah ew gub a ot ralimis mees seod sihT - sorry you won't be able to access this link, I'm adding it for other Google employees). ”
“ :eno siht saw gub ehT .weiv etomer a htiw sehsalc di dah ew seY crbug/1061872 ”
“ morf sdohtem/sessalc hcihW ?gnisu uoy era yllacificeps sIPA sbaT motsuC eht fo hcihW here are you calling? ”
“ "sbaT motsuC ni LRU nepO" ro "elbaliava si resworb a rehtehw kcehC" rednu detsil seno eht elpmaxe rof - tsefinam ruoy ni yrtne <seireuq> a evah uoy od ,edisa na sA here ? ”
“ :gnirif erofeb tnetni eht eldnah ot yaw a s'ereht fi enimreted ot ytivitcAevloser# sdnemmocer seliforp krow no noitatnemucod s'diordnA . Some intents can cross the profile boundary and some cannot. ”