Status Update
Comments <> #2
Thanks for your suggestion! We are currently evaluating this request, but do not have any plans to implement it at the moment. Please star to add your vote and receive further updates, and feel free to add any comments to discuss your use case. <> #3
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Thank you kindly for addressing this. Today I checked my embedded map and everything is working great now. The 750 address is now correctly displayed when clicking the map marker. <> #5
This device is owned by Kim Barranco I am not a developer nor have I downloaded a single 3 rd party app. This is NOT an experiment device person using my account is illegally accessing my device. I am in Phoenix Az 85051
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I have an embedded map that is _supposed_ to call this address:
750 Liberty Green Dr, Akron, OH 44312, USA
Which is tied to this biz:
As you can see, that maps page location correctly shows the address and importantly the correct zip code.
However, the embedded map—after clicking the marker—doesn't return that Liberty Green Storage business. Why? Because for some reason the API—when creating the embedded map within the Webflow web builder—returns this address instead:
722 Liberty Green Dr, Akron, OH 44319
It’s the same street but the building address is wrong and the zip code is too.
You can test it here:
The root problem…
This has never happened to me before when using the embedded map feature in Webflow (a respected web builder). For some reason, when inputting the correct address, it instead changes my zip code from the correct one (44312) to an incorrect one (44319) for that map marker.
Any ideas on why this is happening. Again, Google Maps online returns the correct address for that business. But the API call seems to be switching the correct zip code with the wrong one, hence changing the map marker address.