Status Update
Comments <> #2
[Comment deleted] <> #3
[Comment deleted] <> #4
Also of note is the adb error when trying to install bad APK: INSTALL_FAILED_DEXOPT <> #5
load dex files over 5Gb. -> load dex files over 5Mb.
The resolution of b/151804585 did not introduce a new field backing, thus lookups within a class are linear search in the field arrays. This has noticeable performance impact witnessed in b/264430795
Using the dump information provided in b/264430795 , the initial regression came with CLs:
With the bottom CL being fairly equal in runtime to the original report at version 2.0.99.
Total regression is about ~1.5min on a previously 4.5min build (increase of about 33% in compiletime).
We should introduce a (potentially) hash-map based field collection backing mirroring the backing for methods.